Why donate?
We see our culture as a vital part of our society, as something that would not exist without the support of the government, of all kinds of institutions, and also you, the visitors of various cultural events. Benefaction is no longer a privilege of rich entrepreneurs or giant corporations. Everyone who contributes to their favourite cultural event expresses their personal interest and appreciation towards these events and makes them happen.
Benefaction and Summer Film School
We value our attendees enormously and plan our programmes with extreme care and responsibility. It is always fairly costly to organize a film festival and therefore, like other festivals, we are urged to combine various financial resources. The most important financial support comes from the state, then there is the regional support, municipal support, private companies and last but not least, you, the festival attendees.
However, the gap between the stable amount of our financial support on one side and rising costs on the other has been widening since long before the coronavirus crisis hit. Accommodation, venue rentals, equipment, acquisitions and copies – all this is becoming more and more expensive. While meditating on the potential ways of how to tackle this problem (we could run the festival for fewer days, we could reduce the programme or raise prices), we calculated what the entrance fee would be if we maintained the current state without public support.
And we arrived at the amount of 10,000 crowns. But don’t worry, we are definitely not planning on such an increase. Our goal was to show the real cost of the festival. And this was the moment when an idea of benefaction came to our minds. We were pleasantly surprised to see how you responded to this call last year and therefore we decided to keep it going. All the more so now that the financial situation of the state and cultural sector has worsened and we, just like other film festival organisers and cultural events in general, look out for the upcoming months with mounting concern.
How to become a benefactor?
Willing to support us financially? Support your favourite festival and become a member of our Summer Film School family. By purchasing one of our Benefactor passes you will receive free access to the festival as well as other benefits that will make your stay more enjoyable.
There are three types of Benefactor passes: